Saturday, October 24, 2009

Season Standings

Here are the current money standings for the 2009-2010 season. Only players who have a net profit are shown. For games in which the "high hand" contest was included in the buy-in, only the portion of the buy-in that went toward the tournament prize money was counted, and the high hand does not count toward the winnings. (Which explains why the amounts are not whole dollars.)

1. Mike C. +$116.25
2. Dave Cl. +$91.25
3. Ian B. +$15.82
4. Dave Co. +$11.25
5. Darren C. +$4.57
6. Bob T. +$0.82


  1. I hope to be on this list one of these days...

  2. Tommy boy:

    I can't speak for everyone, but playing poker the last 5 years have been a BLAST. About 94% of the time you have been a gracious host. The other 6%; well............ Your games you host are always entertaining and well thought out. I take that back you did want a $8.00 buy in one time!!!!!!

    With a busy life (Work/kids,etc) it is always nice to look forward to playing some cards, drinking some beer and hang'in with the BOYS.

    Thanks again for hosting so many games.........

