Wednesday, July 14, 2010

2009-2010 Season Finale

On Friday, June 25, we christened New Donkeytown!

Five players joined in the action for two $20 games: Ian, Tom, Dave T., Mike C., and Jeremy.

In the first game, after Mike had the chip lead but declined a 2-way chop, Jeremy came back to win first place and $60, while Mike took $40 in a "mini-chop."

In the second game, Dave T. took top honors for $70, and Ian finished second to win $30.

For the season, which included 11 nights of poker over the last 10 months, that put Ian TWO whole dollars behind Tom for the money title. Even though it was already getting late, Ian and Tom decided to play heads-up for $2 and the official title.

Ian took almost a 3:2 lead after quite a few small pots were played between the two. The critical hand played out when Ian had KQ and Tom had Q8. On a board of KQxAQ, Ian had made a full house to Tom's trip queens. Ian made a large bet on the river, and Tom called, leaving him crippled. A couple hands later, Ian made a small suckout on a preflop all-in to end the game.

We had a lot of fun over the last year even though 11 nights of play is a little too few and far between for this reporter. I believe that we once played 25-30 games a year. I know that many games is not very realistic these days, but my goal is to play 18 games in the 2010-2011 season, beginning (hopefully) with a game before July runs out!

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